Linux – Easy Password Generator

A really useful tool for quickly generating random passwords in Linux is pwgen. Install with sudo apt-get install pwgen (on Debian based systems) and then use pwgen to fill your screen with randomly generated passwords. It’s possible to add params in order to customize your generated passwords. These are listed below. -c Include at least one capital letter in […]

Linux server backup tools for production

There are many backup tools available to system admins. One well known file sync tool that can be used for file backup is rsync. Databases can be backed up using mysqldump. You will have to create a script that executes these programs and then run this backup script at some time intervals using crontab. However, […]

Top useful linux commands

What was that Linux command again? Well.. Not anymore! Bacause below is a list list of useful commands system admins love! ll : alias for ls -l if you enable it in ~/.bashrc (on Debian that is) nano +55 myfile : open nano editor on line 55 ln -s [target] [link name] : while symlinking, […]