LInux – List all service statusses

Using the command “service –status-all” one has access to all available services and their status.

Linux server backup tools for production

There are many backup tools available to system admins. One well known file sync tool that can be used for file backup is rsync. Databases can be backed up using mysqldump. You will have to create a script that executes these programs and then run this backup script at some time intervals using crontab. However, […]

Perform a random act of kindness every day

Perform a random act of kindness every day: Hold the door for someone Pay for the order of the person in line, behind you, at the coffee shop Thank a veteran, police officer, fire fighter, etc. Say hello to a stranger

Top useful linux commands

What was that Linux command again? Well.. Not anymore! Bacause below is a list list of useful commands system admins love! ll : alias for ls -l if you enable it in ~/.bashrc (on Debian that is) nano +55 myfile : open nano editor on line 55 ln -s [target] [link name] : while symlinking, […]

Top 6 best coding background music

This is a list of music to listen to while coding. I listen to music all day so I own a Spotify Premium account. This way I do not have to put up with annoying advertisements and I have access to premium audio streaming quality. Tracks that cannot be found on Spotify are usually available on Youtube. But […]

Emberjs – Function as variable in controller

Just put “Ember.computed()” around your function. Example: sessionsMeta: Ember.computed(function() {‘session’).then((result) => { let meta = result.get(‘meta’); return meta; }); })  

Authentication vs Authorisation

Authentication is about who somebody is. When you log in to a system, you use a login and password to authenticate. Authorisation is about what they’re allowed to do. For example gaining access to a resource that has restricted permissions.